
The original “WayBackJacks” were founded in 1996.  This group was originally dedicated to the men who played football at NAU, during the late 60's and early  70’s. They are the JACKS who played in the Lumberjack Stadium, on what is now called “Max Spilsbury” Field.

“WayBackJacks” refers to NAU athletes, trainers and friends from NAU’s great past.

These friendships formed “WAYBACK” have only become more valued as time goes on. We have an outstanding group of people who care about each other and NAU.

Our objective is to support NAU Athletics and its former student athletes by promoting social and networking opportunities and honoring the proud tradition and history of the NAU Lumberjacks. 



Timber, Timber,
Everybody's calling for Timber,
Swing your axe you Lumberjacks
Timber's got to go down the river today. (2x)
Axe man fell that tree,
Cut out a ship for to sail the sea,
Cut out a cabin for me and mine,
Out of the whispering pine.
Timber, Timber,
Soon we'll have a cradle of timber,
Swing your axe you Lumberjacks
Timber's got to go down the river today.

LumberJack Swing

Oh - when those Lumberjacks all fall in line,

We’re going to win a victory for another time,

We’re going to make those touchdowns every time,

We’re going to fight, fight, fight for every yard we make.

We’re going to show them what real sports are like,

We’re going to fight hard! Play hard all the time.

And when the whistle blows for the game to stop,     

Who’ll be on top? N-A-U.  (2x)


(Fight Songs)

First Game 2025